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Robert Fludd - The Mirror of the Whole of Nature and the Image of Artdetails

[Picture: Robert Fludd - The Mirror of the Whole of Nature and the Image of Art]

Robert Fludd - The Mirror of the Whole of Nature and the Image of Art more

occult, diagrams, alchemy, zodiac, astrology, people, nudity


Image title:

Robert Fludd - The Mirror of the Whole of Nature and the Image of Art [1617]

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This engraving, captioned Integra Natura fpeculum Artisque imago, which is, The whole(ness) of nature reflected in the mirror of art, appeared in Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia by Robert Fludd in 1617/18. The title of the book is roughly translated as The metaphysical, physical, and technical history of the two worlds, namely the greater and the lesser. The image shows a naked woman crowned with the stars and at her feet the sphere of earth and sea, the elements of earth and water; behind her the heavens with the constallations around them. Under her feet the worls, with a monkey holding a globe, and the various works of man. The animal, vegetable and mineral spheres are clearly visible. At the top, connected by a chain to the woman’s hand, is the hand of God.

An 1812 biography of Robert Fludd

widescreen wallpaper version


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