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Some illustrations from the title pages of various volumes of Il Museo Pio Clementino described by Ennio Quirino Visconti, Rome, 1792.
Don Lake of D & E Lake Books in Toronto sold me this many years ago, but incomplete, and without the actual illustrations. It is an enormous book: the individual (unbound, uncut) pages are each about 18½ × 25 inches and the pile of pages that I do have is some four and a half inches thick.
Although my copy lacks the illustrations, I do have some of the title pages for the individual books, and they each have an engraving of a heraldic shield with various things surrounding it. And if you know anyone would like some eighteenth century Italian paper with a book printed on it...
Title: Il Museo Pio Clementino
Published by: Luigi Mirri
City: Rome
Date: 1792
Total items: 2
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
Heraldic Crest and Symbols of Art
This heraldic crest is from the title page to Volume IV of the huge book. If you are able to give a formal description of this image I’d love to hear from you; informally, it shows an armorial bearing of a head (probably Zephyr, the West Wind) blowing a flower, surmounted by three stars. The shield is mounted on a shell, and has myrtle branches (or mistletoe?) to eithe side, and two keys above it, with on the very top a helmet or lidded urn. To the left are signs for the sciences, such as a map, an astrological chart with a face in the middle, books (one perhaps this book), a set square and ruler from architecture, and maybe Pythagoras, together with a bag of gold coins showing commerce. To the right a stele showing a centaur whose naked rider is being shot at close range [more...] [$]
Heraldic Crest and Symbols of Industry
This heraldic crest is from the title page to Volume VI of the huge book. If you are able to give a formal description of this image I’d love to hear from you; informally, it shows an armorial bearing of a head (probably Zephyr, the West Wind) blowing a flower, surmounted by three stars. The shield is mounted on a shell, and has myrtle branches (or mistletoe?) to eithe side, and two keys above it, with on the very top a helmet or lidded urn surmounted by a cross, perhaps indicating the arms of a pope or cardinal. To the left are signs for commerce and hunting, with a putto [more...] [$]
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