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Ancestral Homes of Noted Americans (page 2/3)


Pictures from English Ancestral Homes of Noted Americans by Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott and Company, MCMXV [1915].

Anne Hollingsworth Wharton was born on 15th December 1845 and died on 29th July 1928, more than 70 years ago, so that this work is out of copyright. She was a descendent of Joseph Wharton and hence related to Thomas Wharton Jr. (1735-1778), the first President of Pennsylvania.

Title: Ancestral Homes of Noted Americans

Author: Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth

City: London

Date: 1915

Total items: 12

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Baronial hall, Penshurst Place]

Baronial hall, Penshurst Place

“On the left are the buttery and the kitchens and, separated from the stone passage by a screen of carved oak panels, is the Great Hall, the glory and wonder of the castle, with its open timber roof, its minstrels’ gallery, its “dais” [more...] [$]

[picture: Sulgrave Manor]

Sulgrave Manor

The English home of the Washingtons [more...] [$]

[picture: The Manor House, Austerfield]

The Manor House, Austerfield

Where Governor William Bradford was born. [more...] [$]

[picture: Austerfield Church]

Austerfield Church

“Austerfield is a typical north country village. Less picturesque than such midland and southern hamlets as Brington, Ecton and Penshurst, these northern villages, with their steep-roofed, narrow-gabled houses of brick and stone, substantial, and built to keep out the winter storms, which are severe in this part of England, with no attempt at ornament, [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Cells at town hall, Boston, England, where the Pilgrim Fathers were confined]

Cells at town hall, Boston, England, where the Pilgrim Fathers were confined

A photograph of a prison, jail or gaol, showing the iron bars of open cell doors. According to the extract from the book that follows, the “Pilgrim Fathers” (a group of Puritans, a sort of fanatical and intolerant Christian religious sect that was also associated with the Civil War in England) were arrested trying to leave the country, stripped, [...]wallpaper version of this image, for use as a computer desktop background if you are of a dismal disposition. [more...] [$]

[picture: Prison Cells (wallpaper version)]

Prison Cells (wallpaper version)

A version of Prison Cells... for use as a computer desktop background image (root wallpaper or whatever you call it on your system). I cropped the image and increased the contrast to make it more atmospheric. [more...] [$]

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