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World’s Best Music (page 1/3)

[picture: Front Cover, World's Best Music]

These illustrations are from The World’s Best Music: Famous Songs and Those Who Made Them edited by Helen Kendrick Johnson, Frederic Dean, Reginald DeKoven and Gerrit Smith, Vol I, The University Society, New York, 1900.

Title: World’s Best Music

Author: Johnson, Helen Kendrik (Ed.)

City: New York

Date: 1900

Total items: 14

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Front Cover, World's Best Music]

Front Cover, World’s Best Music

A marbled cover with quarter-leather binding. There are some moiré effects in some sizes because of the interaction between the textured boards of the book and the digital images. [more...] [$]

[picture: The Picket's Off Duty Forever]

The Picket’s Off Duty Forever

A soldier lies dead under a full moon at the edge of a forest, with the river Potomac in the background, presumably the Potomac River in America. It appears to be a scene from the American Civil War, and precedes a discussion of [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Music]


A lady plays a 16-stringed sitar or guitar, or more likely a chitarrone; she is sitting by a rosebush wearing a white dress, and plays from music. Behind her a cherub plays the violin; he is naked and has wings. I have also made a separate image with just the cherub. [more...] [$]

[picture: Gravestone]


A graveyard (churchyard) with a single tombstone/gravestone in the foreground. A creepy burial site. [$]

[picture: Music: detail: cherub with violin]

Music: detail: cherub with violin

In this detail taken from Music, a naked boy, a cherub or putti, sits on a rose briar (or a hydrangea maybe, which would be less painful); he is entirely naked, and has feathered wings. He plays the [...] [more...] [$]

Tags in this source:

american civil war bare feet battles beards book covers castles cherubs christmas churches churchyards colour creeper death forests full moon gravestones love mills moons music musical instruments nudity page images people poems portraits rivers romance sheet music sketches soldiers songs spooky towers trees villages war water weapons

Places shown:

America ·none

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