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Jesus teaching in the Temple, in Jerusalem, Palestine more
people, religion, christmas, scholars, beards, bare feet, interiors, temples
“Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”— Luke 2:52.
When Herod died, Joseph brought our blessed Lord and His mother back from Egypt, and went to live at Nazareth. We do not know any more about him till he was twelve years old, and then He went up with Joseph and His mother to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of the Passover. That great feast the Jews always kept in remembrance of the night when God delivered them out of their troubles in Egypt.
When the time came for going home, the blessed Mary and Joseph could not find the Child Jesus. They thought at first that He was among the other boys of the company who had come up from Nazareth, and they went on a day’s journey; but when He did not come back to them in the evening thy turned back to Jerusalem to see him. They looked for Him during three days all round the city, anf found Him at last in the Temple, among the boys who came to be taught by the learned men there.
Everybody who listened was astonished at His understanding and His answers. [...]
The book uses this (oddly) to say that children must always obey and serve their parents. In fact, the Gospel text goes on to say that Jesus rebuked his parents, saying, Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you know I’d be in my father’s house?
The engraving shows Jesus sitting on a stool, with a book on a reading-desk, expounding forth to a group of older bearded sages. In fact, the Jews were far more likely to have used scrolls rather than books, although the Christians later did use the codex, or book.