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Dictionary of Proverbs (page 2/6)

[picture: Front cover, Divers Proverbs]

Page images and pictures from Nathan Bailey’s 1721 Dictionary of Proverbs.

This is the Table of contents; there is also a transcription with the definitions and explanations. I used a 1917 edition from Yale University and the Oxford University Press, which is now out of copyright.

I also have Nathan Bailey’s Canting Dictionary online.

Title: Dictionary of Proverbs

Author: Bailey, Nathan

City: London

Date: 1917

Total items: 48

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Front cover, Divers Proverbs]

Front cover, Divers Proverbs

This is a small book, obviously produced to look “quaint.” My copy also still has the remains of the dust-jacket, which I have scanned seperately [dust jacket flaps], and there are also images of each page and a full transcription. [more...] [$]

[picture: Dustjacket flaps from Proverbs book]

Dustjacket flaps from Proverbs book

The dust-jacket of the fac-simle had adverts on the front and back flaps for other books by Yale University Press, including There’s Pippins and Cheese to Come, Journeys to Bagdad, Les Trophées and The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri. [more...] [$]

[picture: Title Page, Proverbs]

Title Page, Proverbs

DIVERS PROVERBS [more...] [$]

[picture: Dustjacket: rear]

Dustjacket: rear

The back of this little book had adverts on the dust jacket for some other books produced by Yale University Press: three books by Paul Claudel, Minister Plenipotentiary of France to Brazil: The Hostage (L’Otage), The Tidings Brought To Mary: A Mystery (L’Annonce Faite À Marie), and, The East I know (La Connaissance De L’Est). [more...] [$]

[picture: A scan of blank paper for use in backgrounds (public domain)]
[picture: A Burnt Child dreads the Fire]
[picture: title page]
[picture: As you brew so you shall bake; Every bean has its Black; it is an ill wind that blows no body good]
[picture: What is bred in the Bone will never be out of the Flesh; One Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush; A Cat may look upon a king.]
[picture: I talk of Chalk and you of Cheese; Charity begins at Home; Cut your Coat according to your Cloth;  What can't be cur'd must be endur'd.]
[picture: Curs'd Cows have short Horns; Much falls between the Cup and the Lip.  No longer pipe no longer dance.]

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