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He who has a mind to beat a Dog will easily find a Stick; Naught is never in Danger; Faint Heart never won fair Lady. [$]
Fast bind, fast find; Like Father like Son. [$]
A Fool’s Bolt is soon shot; Birds of a Feather flock together; Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire. [$]
He sets the Fox to keep his Geese. [woodcut: fox watching geese] [$]
As sure as God’s in Gloucestershire; Every Man thinks his own Geese Swans. [$]
Good Wine needs no Bush; Kissing goes by Favour; A Lark is better than a Kite [$]
All goes down Gutter-lane; As Wise as a Man of Gotham; As good as George of Green; [woodcut: stout man drinks from mug, holds saussage with a fork] [$]
Save a Thief from Hanging, and he’ll cut your Throat; Jack will never make a Gentleman. [$]
Harm watch, Harm catch; It is a good Horse that never stumbles. [$]
Hungry Dogs will eat dirty Pudding; He that would live at Peace and Rest, Must hear and see, and say the Best. [$]
Sue a Beggar and catch a Louse; Many Hands make Light Work; [woodcut: well-dressed man scratches his head standing near a beggar with outstretched hat] [$]
Fat Paunches make Lean Pates. [$]
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