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[Picture: 2156.—Kelly.]
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It is in connection [... with ...] Edward Kelly (Fig. 2156) that the lovers of the miraculous have become most familiar with the name of Doctor Dee [see Fig. 2155]. Kelly entered his service as an assistant in 1581, and then, according to the ordinary accounts, were commenced the “conversations with spirits.” The two magicians, it seems, had a black mirror, formed, some say, of a stone, others, of a piece of polished cannel coal; and in this they could at pleasure induce the angels Gariel and Raphael to appear at their invocation.” (p. 219)

The text goes on to suggest that Dee may have been employed by Queen Elizabeth (Elizabeth I as we would say today) as a spy, and that he did not deny accusations charges because they took attention away from his other, more secret work.



66 x 83mm (2.6 x 3.3 inches)

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