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Pictures and short extracts from Venice by Beryl de Sélincourt and May Sturge Henderson, 1907, illustrated by Reginald Barratt, A.R.W.S. (1861 – 1917).
The book has pictures that are reproductions of Reginald Barratt’s watercolour paintings, using a four-colour dot screen process.
Title: Venice
Published by: Chatto & Windus
City: London
Date: 1907
Total items: 7
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
The book has (or had when I started) its original binding, blue with gold lettering stamped in place. [$]
Frontispiece: The Horses of San Marco, Looking North.
Bronze (or painted) statues of horses in strong sunlight. The printed colours or this painting do not reproduce well on the screen. There is a caption, “By permission of the Hon. John Collier.” [more...] [$]
Venice, title page, with the publisher’s mark.
The book was also published in the US in the same year, by Dodd, Mead & Co. [$]
The Grand Canal, Venice; the Canal Grande is the largest canal in Venice. [$]
63.—Bronze Well-Head by Alberghetti—Courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale.
“Marco tells of magnificent feasts made by the Great Kaan on his birthday and on New Year’s Day. He delights in stories of the chase within the domain of Cublay’s palace of Chandu (perhaps the Xanadu of Coleridge) the walls of which enclosed a sixteen-mile circuit, with fountains and [...] [more...] [$]
Cloisters in Santa Scholastica, Subiaco
One of the three cloisters in this Benedictine monastery; it was built by Abbot Lando in 1235, and is decorated on the vault with mosaic work by the Cosmati. See page 36 and interleaf, page 82. [more...] [$]
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