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Illustrated London News Vol 56 (page 2/4)


Illustrations from The Illustrated London News, Vol. LVI (1870).

This was a popular weekly newspaper in London, with huge numbers of engravings. Because of the printing processes and relatively low paper quality the engravings are not always very clear.

There is an index online at for 1870.

Title: Illustrated London News Vol 56

Editor: Leighton, George C.

City: London

Date: 1870

Total items: 34

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Mr. Charles Dickens's Last Reading.]

Mr. Charles Dickens’s Last Reading.

The woodcut appeared in the Supplement, March 19, 1870 to the Illustrated London News. An accompaanying story noted that Mr. Charles [more...] [$]

[picture: The Missing Screw Steamer City of Boston]
[picture: Holy Trinity, York]
[picture: Alms Box, Skipwith]

Alms Box, Skipwith

Leaves from a Sketch-Book. YORK. The Engravings on this page are drawn from various sketches made some time ago in York and its neighbourhood. As their name implies, they are not intended to represent the architectural glories which are the pride of the great county of York, but have been hit off as taste or opportunity suggested—now from an old [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Micklegate Bar]

Micklegate Bar

“The gates, of which several remain in perfect preservation, and one of which, called the Micklegate Bar, forms the subject of our Engraving, are singularly imposing. The view is taken from the inside [i.e. [more...] [$]

[picture: Door, Skipworth Church]
[picture: Doorway, York]

Doorway, York

See Alms Box, Skipwith for the caption. [more...] [$]

[picture: Screen in Selby Church]

Screen in Selby Church

“The Abbey of Selbey was founded by William the Conqueror, who richly endowed it, according to some because it was the place where Matilda of Flanders gave birth to Henry Beauclerc, while others state that this event was subsequent to the foundation. [...] It is in the Norman, the Early English, and the Decorated Styles [obviously only the Norman part [...] the central tower and mutliated south transept.” (p. 353) [more...] [$]

[picture: Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: A.---Mountain Horn]

Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: A.—Mountain Horn

“The mountain horn, of wood, bound with brass, is nearly 8ft. long, and is one of those used by the Alpine herdsmen of Switzerland, and likewise in Sweden, to give signals to each other, or to call their cattle together, as well as to [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: B.---Serinette]

Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: B.—Serinette

“The serinette, or French bird-organ, was employed by ladies to teach airs to their little singing-birds, serins or finches; this one is of the seventeenth century, 11 in. by 8 in., made of beech-wood, veneered with satin-wood, and inlaid with marquetry of coloured woods [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: C.---Dulcimer]

Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: C.—Dulcimer

“The dulcimer is Italian, with twenty-six sets of metal strings, to be played with two little hammers.” (p. 368) [$]

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