/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · h · Hawk [hieroglyphically]
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Hawk [hieroglyphically]
Hawk [hieroglyphically] was
by the Antients put to signify the Sun, being an Emblem of its powerful
Influences in the World. Some have observed of this Bird, that it can
steadfastly behold the Sun, and that its Bones will attract Gold (the Metal of
the Sun) as the Loadstone does Iron. They also represented Almighty God by the
Body of a Man covered with a long Garment, bearing on the Top of the Head a
because the Excellence, Courage, Nimbleness, and good Qualities of this Bird,
did shadow out the incomparable Perfections of its great Creator. And because
is a Bird of Long Life, it was an Emblem of Natural Life; it was also put to
signify a prudent, valorous, just and brave Man.
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
Hatmakerˊs Company *
Helmet [with Heralds]