/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · p · Paˊssions of men.
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Paˊssions of men.
Paˊssions of men. The diversity of passions is by
naturalists, said to proceed from the contexture of the fibres, and different
habitude of the humours of the body: choler incites to anger melancholy, or
sadness; blood abounding to joy; because that choler vellicates the spirits,
melancholy compresses them, blood dilates them, phlegm obstructs them; and
these effects are in them sleeping as well as waking; those who abound with
choler, are prone to dream of fires, burnings, brawls and fightings; the
phlegmatic, or waters, inundations, drowning; the sanguine, of musick, dancing,
and lasciviousness.
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
Fishes of Passage *