/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · p · Piety [Hieroglyphically]
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Piety [Hieroglyphically]
Piety [Hieroglyphically] together
with a kind and harmless nature, was represented by an elephant; because it is
related that he worships every newmoon towards the heavens and expresses by his
outward actions some sense of a supreme being; and because he is of so harmless
a nature, that he never offends creatures that are not hurtful of themselves.
He will march among innocent lambs, without offering the least injury to them;
but if he be offended will spare nothing, and dread no danger to take revenge.
It is also represented by a
which see.
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
Phoeniˊgmus *
Piety [in Painting, &c.]