/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · r · Rates of Ships
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Rates of Ships
Rates of Ships are the largeness andcapacity of ships of war,
and are six: The difference is commonly reckoned by the
length and breadth of the gun deck, the number of tuns they
contain, and the number of men and guns they carry.First Rate Ship has the gun-deck from 159 to 174 feet in
length, and from 44 to 45 feet in breadth, contains from 1313
to 1882 tuns, carries from 706 to 800 men, and from 96 to
110 guns.
Second Rate has its gun-deck from 153 to 165 feet in
length, and from 41 to 46 feet in breadth, contains from 1086
to 1482 tuns, carries from 524 to 640 men, and from 84 to 90
Third Rate has its gun-deck from 142 to 158 feet in length,
and from 37 to 42 feet in breadth, contains from 871 to 1262
tuns, carries from 389 to 476 men, and from 64 to 80 guns.
Fourth Rate has its gun-deck from 118 to 146 feet in
length, and from 29 to 38 feet in breadth, contains from 448 to
915 tuns, carries from 216 to 346 men, and from 48 to 60 guns.
Fifth Rate has its gun-deck from 100 to 120 feet in
length, and from 24 to 31 feet in breadth, contains from
269 to 542 tuns, carries from 50 to 110 men, and from 16 to
24 guns.
First Rate Ship
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
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