/ · 1736 Universal Etymological English Dictionary · r · Remeˊmbrancers [of the Exchequer]
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Remeˊmbrancers [of the Exchequer]
Remeˊmbrancers [of the Exchequer] three
officers or clerks in that office, as of the king, the lord treasurer, and of
the first fruits.
King’s Remem’brancer he
enters recognizances taken before the barons for any of the king’s debts, for
appearance, or for observing order,
Lord Treasurer’s Reme’mbrancer puts
the treasurer and judges in that court in mind of such things as are to be
called on, and dealt in for the king’s behoof,
Reme’mbrancer of the First Fruits takes all compositions and
bonds for first fruits and tenths, and makes progress, and makes out processes
against those who do not pay
Definition taken from
The Universal Etymological English Dictionary,
edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)
Remeˊmbrancer *
Reˊscous in Law