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Scribner’s Magazine 1903 No. 11 (page 3/3)


Images from Scribner’s Magazine from 1903, volume 11 (November 1903).

I am actually starting with the old advertisements (ads). Please remember that the advertisements are over 100 years old, so the items might no longer be for sale...

If you would like to transcribe any of the advertisements, please use the Comment link under the image; I’ll put the text up and link back to your Web site too if you like.

Title: Scribner’s Magazine 1903 No. 11

Author: Scribner, Charles (Ed.)

Published by: Charles Scribner's Sons

City: New York

Date: 1903

Total items: 18

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

[picture: Santa Fe All The Way]

Santa Fe All The Way

This vintage advert for the Santa Fe Railway (modern US: Railroad) shows a beautiful lady (I imagine) fastening her hair with the aid of a mirror, wearing a long evening dress or gown; [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Old Advert: Illinois Central Railroad]

Old Advert: Illinois Central Railroad

New Line * Fine Service
Illinois Central Railroad
Minneapolis and St. Paul
Through from Chicago via Dubuque, Waterloo and Albert Lea. Fast vestibule Night train with through Stateroom and Open-section Sleeping Car, Buffet-Library Car and Free Reclining Chair Car. Dining Car Service en route. [...]
A. H. Hanson, G. P. A., chicago [more...] [$]

[picture: Old Advert: Whitman's Chocolates]

Old Advert: Whitman’s Chocolates

In this old ad, we see a book called “A History of Love” behind an open box of chocolates, and the text reads: [more...] [$]

[picture: Pommery Champagne]

Pommery Champagne

An old advert for Pommery Champagne, showing a silhouette of a vintner holding up a bunch of grapes and a silhouette of a lady in a summer dress holding up a glass. [more...] [$]

[picture: Vintner from Chapmagne Ad]

Vintner from Chapmagne Ad

A silhouette of a man wearing a neck-tie, apron, rolled-up sleeves, hat and boots, holding up a bunch of grapes. [more...] [$]

[picture: Lady from Champagne Ad]

Lady from Champagne Ad

A silhouette of a lady wearing a long summer dress: her hair is fastened with a ribbon, and in her outstretched hand she holds a wine-glass. [more...] [$]

[picture: Dunham's Coconut Ad]

Dunham’s Coconut Ad

A picture of a quarter of a pie on a plate with a fork stuck into it, in a fancy Art Nouveau border, tops this advert: [more...] [$]

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.