Scribner’s Magazine 1903 No. 11 (page 3/3)

[picture: Santa Fe All The Way]

Santa Fe All The Way

This vintage advert for the Santa Fe Railway (modern US: Railroad) shows a beautiful lady (I imagine) fastening her hair with the aid of a mirror, wearing a long evening dress or gown; [...] [more...] [$]

[picture: Old Advert: Illinois Central Railroad]

Old Advert: Illinois Central Railroad

New Line * Fine Service
Illinois Central Railroad
Minneapolis and St. Paul
Through from Chicago via Dubuque, Waterloo and Albert Lea. Fast vestibule Night train with through Stateroom and Open-section Sleeping Car, Buffet-Library Car and Free Reclining Chair Car. Dining Car Service en route. [...]
A. H. Hanson, G. P. A., chicago [more...] [$]

[picture: Old Advert: Whitman's Chocolates]

Old Advert: Whitman’s Chocolates

In this old ad, we see a book called “A History of Love” behind an open box of chocolates, and the text reads: [more...] [$]

[picture: Pommery Champagne]

Pommery Champagne

An old advert for Pommery Champagne, showing a silhouette of a vintner holding up a bunch of grapes and a silhouette of a lady in a summer dress holding up a glass. [more...] [$]

[picture: Vintner from Chapmagne Ad]

Vintner from Chapmagne Ad

A silhouette of a man wearing a neck-tie, apron, rolled-up sleeves, hat and boots, holding up a bunch of grapes. [more...] [$]

[picture: Lady from Champagne Ad]

Lady from Champagne Ad

A silhouette of a lady wearing a long summer dress: her hair is fastened with a ribbon, and in her outstretched hand she holds a wine-glass. [more...] [$]

[picture: Dunham's Coconut Ad]

Dunham’s Coconut Ad

A picture of a quarter of a pie on a plate with a fork stuck into it, in a fancy Art Nouveau border, tops this advert: [more...] [$]

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