Æˊgilops [in Surgury]

Æˊgilops [in Surgury]
a swelling between the Nose and the great Corner of the Eye, which if not timely opened, the Bone underneath will putrify; also the Fistula lacrymalis.

Definition taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)

Adventitious Matter [with Philosophers] * Ægipaˊnes
Preparatory Action, or Prejudicial Action [in Law]
Action [in an Epic Poem]
Action [with Orators]
Action [in Orators]
Aˊcto [Old Records]
Adoˊlescence, or Ado’lescency
Adventitious Glandules [Anatomy]
Adventitious Matter [with Philosophers]
Æˊgilops [in Surgury]
Aiguiˊsce, or Aigui’sse, or Agui’sse [in Heraldry]
Aiguisce, or Eiguisce [in Heraldry]
Air [in Chymical Writers]
Air [in Horsemanship]
Aˊiriness [of Air]
High Airs
Air [with Anatomists]
Air [with Musicians]