Index to the engravings in Old England by Charles Knight, published in 1845. I have scanned some of the engravings, and those are linked to from these pages. You can ask me to scan any particular engraving by sending email to liam at fromoldbooks dot org with scan request: Old England in the subject, giving the exact and complete index entry for that item, and also mentioning what colour socks you are wearing.

At. Etienne, Abbey of [Vol I]
Sacheverell’s Trial, Medal to commemorate [Vol II]
Sackville, Thomas [Vol II]
Salford, Nunnery at [Vol II]
Salisbury Cathedral, Chapter-house in [Vol I]
Salisbury Cathedral, Choir of [Vol I]
Salisbury Cathedral, North-West View of [Vol I] @929
Salisbury Cathedral, Piscina at [Vol I]
Salisbury [Vol I]
Salisbury, Montacute, Earl of [Vol I]
Salisbury, Tomb of the Boy-Bishop at [Vol I] 1026
Salisbury, William Longespée, Earl of [Vol I]
Sandal Castle [Vol I]
Sandbach, Crosses at [Vol I]
Sandown Castle, near Deal [Vol II]
Sandsfoot Castle [Vol II]
Sanson-sur Rille, Roman Capital at [Vol I]
Sarcophagus [Vol I]
Sarum Plain [Vol I] 17
Sarum, Old, Remains of [Vol I] 23
Savoy Palace, Ruins of the, 1711 [Vol I]
Savoy Palace, the, in 1661 [Vol II]
Savoy, the [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of April [Vol I] 0237
Saxon Emblems of the Month of August [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of December [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of February [Vol I] 0228
Saxon Emblems of the Month of January [Vol I] 0227
Saxon Emblems of the Month of July [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of June [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of March [Vol I] 0236
Saxon Emblems of the Month of May [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of November [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of October [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of September [Vol I]
Scarborough Castle, Ruins of [Vol I]
Scene in ‘The Fair Penitent’ [Vol II]
Screen, Great Brass, in Henry VI.’s Chapel [Vol II]
Scroll-work [Vol II]
Seat, elevated and richly ornamented [Vol I]
Seathwaite Chapel, Lincolnshire [Vol II]
Seaton House [Vol II]
Sedan Chairs in the 16th and 17th centuries [Vol II]
Sehlen, Portrait of [Vol II]
Sempringham Priory, Lincolnshire (fig. 1) [Vol II]
Sepulchral Stone found at Ludgate [Vol I]
Serjeant-at-Law, and Doctor of Medicine, Canturbury Tales [Vol I]
Severus, Wall of, near Housetead, Northumberland [Vol I]
Severus, Wall of, on the Sandstone Quarries, Denton Dean [Vol I]
Seymour, Jane, Queen of Henry VIII. [Vol II]
Shakspere, Autograph of [Vol II]
Shakspere, Bust of [Vol II]
Shakspere, John, House of, in Henley Street, Stratford [Vol II]
Shakspere, Monument of [Vol II]
Shakspere, Portrait of [Shakespeare] [Vol II]
Shakspere, Portrait of [Shakespeare] [Vol II]
Sharnbourn Church, Norfolk, Font in [Vol I]
Sheerness Dockyard [Vol II]
Sheerness burnt by the Dutch [Vol II]
Shield in the British Museum [Vol I] 0065
Shield in the Meyrick Collection [Vol I] 0066
Shield, Circular, British [Vol I] 0067
Shield, metal coating of an ancient Roman-British [Vol I]
Shinty, the Game of [Vol II] 2403
Ship at Sea (fig. 3) [Vol II]
Ship of the Fleet of Duke William transporting Troops for the Invasion of England [Vol I]
Ship-building [Vol I]
Ships of War of the 15th Century, English [Vol I]
Ships of the time of Richard II. [Vol I]
Ships, English, temp. John [Vol I]
Ships, Saxon [Vol I]
Shoeblack in 1730 [Vol II]
Shooting [Vol II] 1790
Shooting at Butts [i.e. archery] [Vol I] 1375
Shottery Cottage [Vol II]
Shrewsbury, Effigy upon the Tomb of John Talbot, Earl of [Vol I]
Shrewsbury, Talbot, Earl of [Vol I]
Shrewsbury, Talbot,the Great Earl of, presenting a book of Romances to Henry VI. [Vol I]
Shuttlecock [Vol I] 1390
Sidney’s Tree [Vol II]
Sidney, Funeral of [Vol II]
Sidney, Sir Philip, Portraits of [Vol II]
Sidney, from a Painting by More [Vol II]
Siege of a Town [Vol I]
Signs [Vol I]
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire [Vol I] 0032
Silchester, Plan of City [Vol I] 125
Silchester, the North Wall [Vol I] 124
Skippet [Vol I]
Smithfield in 1554 [Vol II]
Smithy. Cotton MS. [Vol I]
Smithy; a Harper in the other compartment. Cotton MS. [Vol I]
Soldier, Roman [Vol I]
Soliders, Roman [Vol I] 0097
Somers, Lord Chancellor, Portrait of [Vol II]
Somerset House [Vol II]
Somerset House [Vol II]
Somerset House, Old [Vol II]
Somerset, Earl and Countess of [Vol II]
Sophia of Zell, Queen of George I. [Vol II]
South-Sea House, the [Vol II]
Southampton Gate, North Front [Vol I] 915
Southampton [Vol I]
Southwark in the 16th century [Vol II]
Southwell Minster, Interior of (fig. 3) [Vol II]
Sovereign of the Seas [Vol II]
Spalatro, Console from the Palace at [Vol I]
Spalatro, Golden Gate of the Palace of Dioclesian at [Vol I]
Spanish Armarda, the [Vol II]
Spanish Armarda, the, attacked by the English Fleet [Vol II]
Spear, as it would have come from the Mould [Vol I] 0073
Spear-Mould [Vol I] 0072
Spenser, Portraits of [Vol II]
Spurs, Battle of the [Vol II]
St. Alban’s Abbey (fig 5) [Vol II]
St. Alban’s Head, Dorsetshire [Dorset] [Vol II]
St. Albans, Abbey of [Vol I]
St. Albans, Fields near [Vol I]
St. Albans, Nave of the Abbey of [Vol I]
St. Albans, Transept of the Abbey of [Vol I]
St. Alphage, Porch of [Vol I]
St. Andres’s about 1740 [Vol II]
St. Augustine [Vol I]
St. Augustine, Archbishop of Canturbury, and Albert Elfneth [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s Church, South Side of [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, Prior Bolton’s Rebus in [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, Prior Rahere’s Tomb in [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, the Choir of [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, the Crypt of [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, the Western Entrance, Interior [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Plan of the Priory of [Vol I]
St. Botolph’s Priory, Colchester [Vol I]
St. Cross [Vol I]
St. Cross, Norman Window in [Vol I]
St. Cross, near Winchester [Vol I]
St. Cuthbert, Egfrid, King of Northumberland, and an Ecclesiastical Synod offering the Bishopric of Hexham to [Vol I]
St. Cuthbert. From one of the external Canopies of the Middle Tower of Durham [Vol I]
St. David’s [Vol I]
St. Dunstan [Vol I]
St. Dunstan in full Archiepiscopal Costume, Portrait of [Vol I]
St. Edmundsbury, Altar at [Vol I]
St. Faith’s [Vol I]
St. George and the Duke of Bedford [Vol I]
St. George at Dijon [Vol I]
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor [Vol I]
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, South Front [Vol I]
St. George’s Hospital about 1750 [Vol II]
St. Georges de Bocherville, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. Giles’s Cripplegate, Chancel of [Vol II]
St. Giles’s-in the-Fields, Plan of [Vol II]
St. Helen’s, Interior of [Vol I]
St. James’s Church, Westminster [Vol II]
St. James’s Park in the time of Charles II. [Vol II]
St. James’s and Westminster, Ancient View of [Vol II]
St. James’s and the City of Westminster, from the village of Charing, in the time of James I. [Vol II]
St. James’s, Palace of [Vol II]
St. James’s, Palace of, by Hollar [Vol II]
St. James’s, the Palace Gate [Vol II]
St. John’s Chester, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. John’s Chester, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. John’s Gate, Clerkenwell, 1841 [Vol I]
St. John’s Hospital [Vol I]
St. Keyne, Well of, Cornwall [Vol I]
St. Margaret’s, Westminster, East Window of [Vol II]
St. Martin’s Church [Vol II]
St. Martin’s Church, Canturbury [Vol I]
St. Martin’s Lane, Old Academy in [Vol II]
St. Mary Overies, Gower’s Monument in [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, Norman Arch in [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, Templar in [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, the Choir of [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, the Lady Chapel [Vol I]
St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard Street [Vol II]
St. Mary’s Church, Oxford, Perlendicular Window in [Vol I]
St. Mary’s Hall, Interior [Vol I]
St. Mary’s Hall, Street Front [Vol I]
St. Mary-le-Bow, Vestry-room of [Vol II]
St. Michael le Quern [Vol I]
St. Michael’s Church, St. Albans [Vol I]
St. Michael’s, Cornhill, Tower of [Vol I]
St. Nicholas Church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Vol I] 1052
St. Olave’s School, Southwark [Vol II]
St. Patrick’s Cathedral (fig. 1) [Vol II]
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Choir of [Vol I]
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Old, South View of [Vol I]
St. Paul’s Cross in time of James I [Vol II]
St. Paul’s Cross, Sermon at [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Choir of [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Convocation or Chapter House in 1701 [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, East Window, from the Choir of [Vol I]
St. Paul’s, Festoon from [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Inigo Jones’s Portico [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Interior of, from under the Dome [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Interior of, looking East [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, North-East View of [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, North-West View of [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Old, before the destruction of the Steeple [Vol I]
St. Paul’s, Sir Christopher Wren’s first design for [Vol II]
St. Paul, at Rome, Basilica of [Vol I]
St. Peter’s, Northampton [Vol I]
St. Peter’s, Northampton, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. Peter’s, Oxford, Crypt of [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Restoration of [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Ruins of [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Specimen of Old Paintings in [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Walbrook, Interior of [Vol II]
St. Thomas, Chapel of, converted into a House and Warehouse [Vol I]
St. Thomas, Lower Chapel, or Crypt of [Vol I]
St. Thomas, Upper Chapel of, London Bridge [Vol I]
St.Asaph’s [Vol I]
St.Magnus, Kirkwall [Vol I 1055]
Stage, View of the Old [Vol II]
Standard Bearers, Roman [Vol I] 0096
Standard [Vol I]
Standard [Vol I]
Stanley, Lord [Vol I]
Stanton Drew, Stones at [Vol I] 0034
Stanton Harcourt, Ancient Kitchen at [?Stanton Court?] [Vol I]
Star Chamber, Old, Westminster [Vol II]
Statues found in the Thames, Bronze [Vol I]
Steeples, Parallel of the principal, built by Sir Christopher Wren [Vol II]
Steetly, Derbyshire, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
Stephen [Vol I]
Stephen, Arms of [Vol I]
Stephen, Great Seal of [Vol I]
Stephen, Silver Penny of of [Vol I]
Stewkley Church, Buckinghamshire (fig. 5) [Vol II] 0734
Stewkley Church, Buckinghamshire [Vol I]
Stillingfleet, Dr. Edward, Portrait of [Vol II]
Stirling Castle [Vol I]
Stirling Castle, View of [Vol I]
Stirling [Vol I]
Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of [Vol II]
Stoke Church, Buckinghamshire [Vol II]
Stoke Manor-House, Remains of [Vol II]
Stone Church [Vol I] 1045
Stone Church, Nave and Chancel [Vol I] 1047
Stone Church, South Door of [Vol I] 1046
Stone in the New Forest [Vol I]
Stonehenge [Vol I] 5
Stonehenge [Vol I] 6
Stonehenge, Ground Plan of, in its present state [Vol I] 1
Stonehenge, Perspective Elevation, restored [Vol I] 3
Stonehenge, Restored Plan [Vol I] 2
Stonehenge, Restored Plan, Fig. 2 [Vol I] 4
Storming a Fort [Vol I] 1251
Strafford, Wentworth, Earl of [Vol II]
Strand Gate, Winchelsea [Vol I] 914
Stratford Church, Avenue [Vol II]
Stratford Church, Chancel of [Vol II]
Stratford Church, Clopton Monumenet in [Vol II]
Stratford Church, West End [Vol I] 1308
Stratford Church, ancient Font formerly in [Vol I]
Stratford College [Vol II]
Stratford College, Anvient Hall in [Vol II]
Stratford Grammar-School, Inner Court of [Vol II]
Stratford Grammar-School, Interior of [Vol II]
Stratford Jubilee [Vol II]
Stratford, Chimney Corner of the Kitchen in Henley Street [Vol II]
Stratford, Clopton’s Bridge [Vol II]
Stratford, Footbridge above the Mill [Vol II]
Stratford, House in the High Street [Vol II]
Stratford, John Shakespere’s House [Vol II]
Stratford, the House in Henley Street [Vol II]
Strawberry Hill, View from the Gardens [Vol II]
Strawberry Hill, the Gallery [Vol II]
Strawberry Hill, the Library [Vol II]
Styca, copper [Vol I] 0232
Sueno’s Pillar at Forres [Vol I]
Suffolk, Duke of, Portrait of [Vol II]
Sumpnour and Pardoner [Vol I]
Superscription of the Letter to Lord Monteagle [Vol II]
Surgeons’ Theatre, Old Bailey [Vol II]
Surrey, Portrait of [Vol II]
Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of [Vol I]
Sutton’s Monument at the Charter House [Vol II]
Swift, Portrait of [Vol II]
Swingfield, Preceptory at [Vol I]
Sword Dance [Vol I]
Sword Fight [Vol I]
Sword and Dagger of James IV. and Banners used at Flodden Field [Vol II]
Sword engraved bu A. Durer (fig. 2) [Duerer, Dürer] [Vol II]
Sydenham, Portrait of [Vol II]
Symbols of Rome [Vol I] 0079