At. Etienne, Abbey of [Vol I]
Sacheverell’s Trial, Medal to commemorate [Vol II]
Sackville, Thomas [Vol II]
Salford, Nunnery at [Vol II]
Salisbury Cathedral, Chapter-house in [Vol I]
Salisbury Cathedral, Choir of [Vol I]
Salisbury Cathedral, North-West View of [Vol I] @929
Salisbury Cathedral, Piscina at [Vol I]
Salisbury [Vol I]
Salisbury, Montacute, Earl of [Vol I]
Salisbury, Tomb of the Boy-Bishop at [Vol I]
Salisbury, William Longespée, Earl of [Vol I]
Sandal Castle [Vol I]
Sandbach, Crosses at [Vol I]
Sandown Castle, near Deal [Vol II]
Sandsfoot Castle [Vol II]
Sanson-sur Rille, Roman Capital at [Vol I]
Sarcophagus [Vol I]
Sarum, Old, Remains of [Vol I]
Savoy Palace, Ruins of the, 1711 [Vol I]
Savoy Palace, the, in 1661 [Vol II]
Savoy, the [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of April [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of August [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of December [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of February [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of January [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of July [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of June [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of March [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of May [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of November [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of October [Vol I]
Saxon Emblems of the Month of September [Vol I]
Scarborough Castle, Ruins of [Vol I]
Scene in ‘The Fair Penitent’ [Vol II]
Screen, Great Brass, in Henry VI.’s Chapel [Vol II]
Scroll-work [Vol II]
Seat, elevated and richly ornamented [Vol I]
Seathwaite Chapel, Lincolnshire [Vol II]
Seaton House [Vol II]
Sedan Chairs in the 16th and 17th centuries [Vol II]
Sehlen, Portrait of [Vol II]
Sempringham Priory, Lincolnshire (fig. 1) [Vol II]
Sepulchral Stone found at Ludgate [Vol I]
Serjeant-at-Law, and Doctor of Medicine, Canturbury Tales [Vol I]
Severus, Wall of, near Housetead, Northumberland [Vol I]
Severus, Wall of, on the Sandstone Quarries, Denton Dean [Vol I]
Seymour, Jane, Queen of Henry VIII. [Vol II]
Shakspere, Autograph of [Vol II]
Shakspere, Bust of [Vol II]
Shakspere, John, House of, in Henley Street, Stratford [Vol II]
Shakspere, Monument of [Vol II]
Shakspere, Portrait of [Shakespeare] [Vol II]
Shakspere, Portrait of [Shakespeare] [Vol II]
Sharnbourn Church, Norfolk, Font in [Vol I]
Sheerness Dockyard [Vol II]
Sheerness burnt by the Dutch [Vol II]
Shield in the British Museum [Vol I]
Shield in the Meyrick Collection [Vol I]
Shield, Circular, British [Vol I]
Shield, metal coating of an ancient Roman-British [Vol I]
Shinty, the Game of [Vol II]
Ship at Sea (fig. 3) [Vol II]
Ship of the Fleet of Duke William transporting Troops for the Invasion of England [Vol I]
Ship-building [Vol I]
Ships of War of the 15th Century, English [Vol I]
Ships of the time of Richard II. [Vol I]
Ships, English, temp. John [Vol I]
Ships, Saxon [Vol I]
Shoeblack in 1730 [Vol II]
Shooting at Butts [i.e. archery] [Vol I]
Shottery Cottage [Vol II]
Shrewsbury, Effigy upon the Tomb of John Talbot, Earl of [Vol I]
Shrewsbury, Talbot, Earl of [Vol I]
Shrewsbury, Talbot,the Great Earl of, presenting a book of Romances to Henry VI. [Vol I]
Sidney’s Tree [Vol II]
Sidney, Funeral of [Vol II]
Sidney, Sir Philip, Portraits of [Vol II]
Sidney, from a Painting by More [Vol II]
Siege of a Town [Vol I]
Signs [Vol I]
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire [Vol I]
Silchester, Plan of City [Vol I]
Silchester, the North Wall [Vol I]
Skippet [Vol I]
Smithfield in 1554 [Vol II]
Smithy. Cotton MS. [Vol I]
Smithy; a Harper in the other compartment. Cotton MS. [Vol I]
Soldier, Roman [Vol I]
Soliders, Roman [Vol I]
Somers, Lord Chancellor, Portrait of [Vol II]
Somerset House [Vol II]
Somerset House [Vol II]
Somerset House, Old [Vol II]
Somerset, Earl and Countess of [Vol II]
Sophia of Zell, Queen of George I. [Vol II]
South-Sea House, the [Vol II]
Southampton Gate, North Front [Vol I]
Southampton [Vol I]
Southwark in the 16th century [Vol II]
Southwell Minster, Interior of (fig. 3) [Vol II]
Sovereign of the Seas [Vol II]
Spalatro, Console from the Palace at [Vol I]
Spalatro, Golden Gate of the Palace of Dioclesian at [Vol I]
Spanish Armarda, the [Vol II]
Spanish Armarda, the, attacked by the English Fleet [Vol II]
Spear, as it would have come from the Mould [Vol I]
Spenser, Portraits of [Vol II]
Spurs, Battle of the [Vol II]
St. Alban’s Abbey (fig 5) [Vol II]
St. Alban’s Head, Dorsetshire [Dorset] [Vol II]
St. Albans, Abbey of [Vol I]
St. Albans, Fields near [Vol I]
St. Albans, Nave of the Abbey of [Vol I]
St. Albans, Transept of the Abbey of [Vol I]
St. Alphage, Porch of [Vol I]
St. Andres’s about 1740 [Vol II]
St. Augustine [Vol I]
St. Augustine, Archbishop of Canturbury, and Albert Elfneth [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s Church, South Side of [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, Prior Bolton’s Rebus in [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, Prior Rahere’s Tomb in [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, the Choir of [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, the Crypt of [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Church, the Western Entrance, Interior [Vol I]
St. Bartholomew’s, Plan of the Priory of [Vol I]
St. Botolph’s Priory, Colchester [Vol I]
St. Cross [Vol I]
St. Cross, Norman Window in [Vol I]
St. Cross, near Winchester [Vol I]
St. Cuthbert, Egfrid, King of Northumberland, and an Ecclesiastical Synod offering the Bishopric of Hexham to [Vol I]
St. Cuthbert. From one of the external Canopies of the Middle Tower of Durham [Vol I]
St. David’s [Vol I]
St. Dunstan [Vol I]
St. Dunstan in full Archiepiscopal Costume, Portrait of [Vol I]
St. Edmundsbury, Altar at [Vol I]
St. Faith’s [Vol I]
St. George and the Duke of Bedford [Vol I]
St. George at Dijon [Vol I]
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor [Vol I]
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, South Front [Vol I]
St. George’s Hospital about 1750 [Vol II]
St. Georges de Bocherville, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. Giles’s Cripplegate, Chancel of [Vol II]
St. Giles’s-in the-Fields, Plan of [Vol II]
St. Helen’s, Interior of [Vol I]
St. James’s Church, Westminster [Vol II]
St. James’s Park in the time of Charles II. [Vol II]
St. James’s and Westminster, Ancient View of [Vol II]
St. James’s and the City of Westminster, from the village of Charing, in the time of James I. [Vol II]
St. James’s, Palace of [Vol II]
St. James’s, Palace of, by Hollar [Vol II]
St. James’s, the Palace Gate [Vol II]
St. John’s Chester, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. John’s Chester, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. John’s Gate, Clerkenwell, 1841 [Vol I]
St. John’s Hospital [Vol I]
St. Keyne, Well of, Cornwall [Vol I]
St. Margaret’s, Westminster, East Window of [Vol II]
St. Martin’s Church [Vol II]
St. Martin’s Church, Canturbury [Vol I]
St. Martin’s Lane, Old Academy in [Vol II]
St. Mary Overies, Gower’s Monument in [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, Norman Arch in [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, Templar in [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, the Choir of [Vol I]
St. Mary Overies, the Lady Chapel [Vol I]
St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard Street [Vol II]
St. Mary’s Church, Oxford, Perlendicular Window in [Vol I]
St. Mary’s Hall, Interior [Vol I]
St. Mary’s Hall, Street Front [Vol I]
St. Mary-le-Bow, Vestry-room of [Vol II]
St. Michael le Quern [Vol I]
St. Michael’s Church, St. Albans [Vol I]
St. Michael’s, Cornhill, Tower of [Vol I]
St. Nicholas Church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Vol I]
St. Olave’s School, Southwark [Vol II]
St. Patrick’s Cathedral (fig. 1) [Vol II]
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Choir of [Vol I]
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Old, South View of [Vol I]
St. Paul’s Cross in time of James I [Vol II]
St. Paul’s Cross, Sermon at [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Choir of [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Convocation or Chapter House in 1701 [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, East Window, from the Choir of [Vol I]
St. Paul’s, Festoon from [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Inigo Jones’s Portico [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Interior of, from under the Dome [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Interior of, looking East [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, North-East View of [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, North-West View of [Vol II]
St. Paul’s, Old, before the destruction of the Steeple [Vol I]
St. Paul’s, Sir Christopher Wren’s first design for [Vol II]
St. Paul, at Rome, Basilica of [Vol I]
St. Peter’s, Northampton [Vol I]
St. Peter’s, Northampton, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
St. Peter’s, Oxford, Crypt of [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Restoration of [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Ruins of [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Chapel, Specimen of Old Paintings in [Vol I]
St. Stephen’s Walbrook, Interior of [Vol II]
St. Thomas, Chapel of, converted into a House and Warehouse [Vol I]
St. Thomas, Lower Chapel, or Crypt of [Vol I]
St. Thomas, Upper Chapel of, London Bridge [Vol I]
St.Asaph’s [Vol I]
St.Magnus, Kirkwall [Vol I
Stage, View of the Old [Vol II]
Standard Bearers, Roman [Vol I]
Standard [Vol I]
Standard [Vol I]
Stanley, Lord [Vol I]
Stanton Drew, Stones at [Vol I]
Stanton Harcourt, Ancient Kitchen at [?Stanton Court?] [Vol I]
Star Chamber, Old, Westminster [Vol II]
Statues found in the Thames, Bronze [Vol I]
Steeples, Parallel of the principal, built by Sir Christopher Wren [Vol II]
Steetly, Derbyshire, Norman Capital at [Vol I]
Stephen [Vol I]
Stephen, Arms of [Vol I]
Stephen, Great Seal of [Vol I]
Stephen, Silver Penny of of [Vol I]
Stewkley Church, Buckinghamshire (fig. 5) [Vol II]
Stewkley Church, Buckinghamshire [Vol I]
Stillingfleet, Dr. Edward, Portrait of [Vol II]
Stirling Castle [Vol I]
Stirling Castle, View of [Vol I]
Stirling [Vol I]
Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of [Vol II]
Stoke Church, Buckinghamshire [Vol II]
Stoke Manor-House, Remains of [Vol II]
Stone Church [Vol I]
Stone Church, Nave and Chancel [Vol I]
Stone Church, South Door of [Vol I]
Stone in the New Forest [Vol I]
Stonehenge, Ground Plan of, in its present state [Vol I]
Stonehenge, Perspective Elevation, restored [Vol I]
Stonehenge, Restored Plan [Vol I]
Stonehenge, Restored Plan, Fig. 2 [Vol I]
Storming a Fort [Vol I]
Strafford, Wentworth, Earl of [Vol II]
Strand Gate, Winchelsea [Vol I]
Stratford Church, Avenue [Vol II]
Stratford Church, Chancel of [Vol II]
Stratford Church, Clopton Monumenet in [Vol II]
Stratford Church, West End [Vol I]
Stratford Church, ancient Font formerly in [Vol I]
Stratford College [Vol II]
Stratford College, Anvient Hall in [Vol II]
Stratford Grammar-School, Inner Court of [Vol II]
Stratford Grammar-School, Interior of [Vol II]
Stratford Jubilee [Vol II]
Stratford, Chimney Corner of the Kitchen in Henley Street [Vol II]
Stratford, Clopton’s Bridge [Vol II]
Stratford, Footbridge above the Mill [Vol II]
Stratford, House in the High Street [Vol II]
Stratford, John Shakespere’s House [Vol II]
Stratford, the House in Henley Street [Vol II]
Strawberry Hill, View from the Gardens [Vol II]
Strawberry Hill, the Gallery [Vol II]
Strawberry Hill, the Library [Vol II]
Styca, copper [Vol I]
Sueno’s Pillar at Forres [Vol I]
Suffolk, Duke of, Portrait of [Vol II]
Sumpnour and Pardoner [Vol I]
Superscription of the Letter to Lord Monteagle [Vol II]
Surgeons’ Theatre, Old Bailey [Vol II]
Surrey, Portrait of [Vol II]
Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of [Vol I]
Sutton’s Monument at the Charter House [Vol II]
Swift, Portrait of [Vol II]
Swingfield, Preceptory at [Vol I]
Sword Dance [Vol I]
Sword Fight [Vol I]
Sword and Dagger of James IV. and Banners used at Flodden Field [Vol II]
Sword engraved bu A. Durer (fig. 2) [Duerer, Dürer] [Vol II]
Sydenham, Portrait of [Vol II]
Symbols of Rome [Vol I]