Yew Tree at FOuntains Abbey, Ripon, Yorkshire [Vol I]
Yew Tree in Hayes Churchyard [Vol I]
Yew, the Ankerwyke [Vol I]
York Castle, Clifford’s Tower, and Entrance to [Vol I]
York Cathedral, Early English Capitals in [Vol I]
York Cathedral, Tomb of Archbishop Grey in [Vol I]
York Cathedral, decorated English Capitals in [Vol I]
York House [Vol II]
York House, Water-gate [Vol II]
York Minster, Bracket in [Vol I]
York Minster, Bracket in [Vol I]
York Minster, Capital in the Crypt of [Vol I]
York Minster, Capital in the Crypt of [Vol I]
York Minster, Capital in the Crypt of [Vol I]
York Minster, Choir [Vol I]
York Minster, Figure of Archbishop Gray in [Vol I]
York Minster, Figure of Archbishop Savage in [Vol I]
York Minster, Interior of the Choir of [Vol I]
York Minster, Pendent in the Chapter House of [Vol I]
York Minster, Scuplture over the West Door of [Vol I]
York Minster, Scuplture over the West Door of [Vol I]
York Minster, West Front of [Vol I]
York Place [Vol II]
York, General View [Vol I]
York, James, Duke of, Medal to commemorate his appointment as Lord High Admiral [Vol II]
York, Micklebar Gate, with arrival of Baggage Train [Vol II]
York, from the Ancient Ramparts [Vol I]
York, the City of [Vol II]