Index to the engravings in Old England by Charles Knight, published in 1845. I have scanned some of the engravings, and those are linked to from these pages. You can ask me to scan any particular engraving by sending email to liam at fromoldbooks dot org with scan request: Old England in the subject, giving the exact and complete index entry for that item, and also mentioning what colour socks you are wearing.

Yew Tree at FOuntains Abbey, Ripon, Yorkshire [Vol I]
Yew Tree in Hayes Churchyard [Vol I]
Yew, the Ankerwyke [Vol I]
York Castle, Clifford’s Tower, and Entrance to [Vol I] 423
York Cathedral, Early English Capitals in [Vol I]
York Cathedral, Tomb of Archbishop Grey in [Vol I]
York Cathedral, decorated English Capitals in [Vol I]
York House [Vol II]
York House, Water-gate [Vol II]
York Minster, Bracket in [Vol I]
York Minster, Bracket in [Vol I]
York Minster, Capital in the Crypt of [Vol I]
York Minster, Capital in the Crypt of [Vol I]
York Minster, Capital in the Crypt of [Vol I]
York Minster, Choir [Vol I]
York Minster, Figure of Archbishop Gray in [Vol I]
York Minster, Figure of Archbishop Savage in [Vol I]
York Minster, Interior of the Choir of [Vol I]
York Minster, Pendent in the Chapter House of [Vol I]
York Minster, Scuplture over the West Door of [Vol I]
York Minster, Scuplture over the West Door of [Vol I]
York Minster, West Front of [Vol I]
York Place [Vol II]
York, General View [Vol I]
York, James, Duke of, Medal to commemorate his appointment as Lord High Admiral [Vol II]
York, Micklebar Gate, with arrival of Baggage Train [Vol II]
York, from the Ancient Ramparts [Vol I]
York, the City of [Vol II]