
Annuˊity [of annus,yearly]
a yearly Income or Rent that is to be paid for Term of Life; an Annuity is different from a Rent only in this, that the former only charges the Granter or his Heirs, whereas a Rent is payable out of Land.
Dr. Halley in his Observations on the Breslaw Bills of Mortality, shews that it is 80 to 1 a Person of 25 Years of Age does not die in a Year; that it is 512 to one that a Man of 40 lives 7 Years; and that one of 30 may reasonably expect to live 27 or 28 Years: So great a Difference there is between the Life of Man at different Ages; that it is 100 to 1, if one of 20 lives out a Year; and but 38 to 1, that one of 50 does so.
When and from some other Observations he has constructed the following Tables, shewing the Value of Annuities from every 5th Year of Live to the 70th.

Definition taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, edited by Nathan Bailey (1736)

Angerly * Aˊntheræ [in Botany]
Numeral Algebra, or Vulgar Algebra
Literal Algebra, or Specious Algebra
Alleˊrions [in Heraldry]
Almonds of the Throat
Aluˊdels [with Chymists]
Anˊchored [in Heraldry]
Aˊntheræ [in Botany]
Antiˊpodes [in Geography]
Archeus [with Chymists]
Armiˊllary Sphere
Arse smart [with Herbalists]
Arse versy